# Class Name Guild Score
1 rogue rogue icon Emz Noobies 17,503
2 hunter hunter icon Magallo Acquired Taste 17,232
3 warlock warlock icon Msgnomer The Old Gods 15,637
4 hunter hunter icon Acegunman Brütal 14,065
5 monk monk icon Kicksthings 13,097
6 death knight death knight icon Subzerô Heroes of Valehala 12,721
7 paladin paladin icon Femboyshawn The Old Gods 12,350
8 priest priest icon Efficacy Acquired Taste 11,190
9 death knight death knight icon Rivinn Visceral 9,772
10 rogue rogue icon Iriemember Acquired Taste 6,259
11 rogue rogue icon Icebergs 2,262
12 death knight death knight icon Narfea 1,241